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Remember when the ice cream truck would come to the beach when you were a kid?
You and your friends would drop what you were doing and race from wherever you were to stand in line for you favorite frozen treat.
In this concept project, Lauren and Louie bring that same excitement to a dog park near you.

Brand Values
Brand values evolve out of a discovery workshop conducted with the client. A series of worksheets will identify the target market and describe the brand’s ideal customer.

Brainstorming sessions serve to compile and curate a list of key words that describe how a brand wants to be perceived by their customers. This work lays the foundation of the brand identity and provides a roadmap for the design work ahead.

Logo, Typography & Colors
The Lauren & Louie logo combines a wordmark and a stylized ice cream cup. The wordmark is a refined rendition of the font Boucherie Cursive. Chosen for its casual, friendly appeal, the characters swirl and flow like ice cream from a soft serve machine.

Lauren and Louie brand colors are as bright and cheerful as the sprinkles on a cone.

Logo, Typography & Colors
The Lauren & Louie logo combines a wordmark and a stylized ice cream cup. The wordmark is a refined rendition of the font Boucherie Cursive. Chosen for its casual, friendly appeal, the characters swirl and flow like ice cream from a soft serve machine.

Lauren and Louie brand colors are as bright and cheerful as the sprinkles on a cone.

Brand Assets
Brand assets often include visual elements in addition to the logo. These can be illustrations, patterns, photography and icons. Lauren & Louie’s premium asset is an original illustration of Louie, the brand’s namesake. Sure, there’s a Lauren too. How could a pup serve up ice cream much less run a business? But, since the brand caters to canines, it makes sense that it’s Louie’s image that commands the spotlight.


A complete identity design project anticipates all applications of the brand’s visual identity—from business cards to vehicle graphics. Mockups help designers and their clients visualize how all the elements of the brand fit together.

Lauren & Louie on Instagram

Considering how the brand shows up on socia media is part of the identity design process. Creative concepts and inspired visuals play a role in making any brand stand out. A “Lucky Lickers” contest encourages followers to include the hashtag “#luckylickers” when posting images of their canine sidekicks enjoying Lauren & Louie frozen desserts. Each week a winner is declared based on the number of likes. The winning poster pup enjoys a weekly free ice cream treat for a month. Plus all the fame and glory that comes with the title!

Social media campaigns based on user-generated content can be wildly successful in gaining followers and building brand loyalty. Below is  logo created for the Lucky Lickers campaign.